Dear prayer companions,
A few days ago, in our last prayer meeting at the Chiesa Riformata di Perugia we considered our need for a more zealous and humble effort in reaching out to non-believers (especially “nominal” believers). We prayed together for more commitment and openness in personal evangelism and the conversion of sinners here in Perugia. In regard to our engagement in prayer for the unconverted, we have the example of the apostle Paul: “Brothers, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved” (Romans 10:1). Therefore, as you read this newsletter, we ask you to join us in prayer accordingly.
New visit of Bryce Klassen from Mid-America Reformed Seminary
Unexpectedly, Bryce Klassen from Mid-America Reformed Seminary came to spend the Christmas break with us. Thanks to the generosity of Faith URC in Beecher, IL, Bryce was able to stay for four weeks. During his time here, he not only helped exhort the congregation with homilies on “The Nativity” and “The Passing of Years,” but he also dedicated his efforts to various meetings with experienced Italian evangelical leaders. His goal was not only to gather data and informative material but also to examine his own sense of calling to missionary work in Italy in the near future. Bryce also had the opportunity to meet personally with the individual responsible for ecumenical relations within the Roman Catholic Church in Perugia. This meeting allowed him to gain a realistic understanding of the state of the RCC in our area, rather than relying solely on websites and social media. Currently, in addition to completing his final year at MARS, Bryce is meeting with several men in our Federation to discern the next steps in his journey. He hopes to eventually develop a missionary plan to work alongside me here in Perugia.
Prayer meeting with other Pastors
On Friday, January 17th, we gathered with several pastors from Perugia’s evangelical churches to begin the new year in corporate prayer. About 20 people attended, including some of our own church members. Rev. Mike Cuneo, a PCA missionary serving in the northern part of Umbria near the southern border of Tuscany, led us in a meditation on Acts 4:23-31. Afterward, we spent about an hour in intercessory prayer for the city of Perugia, the region of Umbria—where Protestant churches are scarce—and the rest of Italy. We are grateful for the response from these pastors, as it seems the Lord is opening doors for us to encourage one another. This gathering also provided an opportunity for me to distribute Reformed literature to these men, for which I am thankful.
Visit to Christ URC in California
At the end of January, I flew to California to meet with the Consistory of my sending church, Christ URC of Santee. I was graciously and warmly received, and the Lord guided our conversations about the ministry in Perugia. We discussed both the encouragements and challenges of the church plant, the prospects for the future, and the best ways to continue the work the Lord has called me to do in partnership with others. I returned home with greater clarity regarding the ministry here and a renewed desire to devote myself to church planting in Central Italy.
Please, pray with us for the following prayer requests:
that the Lord may assist us in reaching out to our community in personal evangelism;
that the Lord may lead Bryce Klassen and those who have oversight of him in relation to his possible call to Perugia;
that the Lord may continue to strengthen the communion with other pastors and churches in Perugia;
that we may be granted wisdom from above to the future development of the ministry in Perugia and in the region of Umbria.
On behalf of all the members of the Chiesa Riformata of Perugia, I express a felt sense of gratitude for your faithful prayers and generous support.
Those of Italy greet you (Hebrews 13:24).
Yours sincerely in Christ,
Pastor Andrea Ferrari