JUNE 2024
Pastor Andrea Ferrari and Mr. Bryce Klassen
Dear prayer companions,
It is interesting to observe that in urging Timothy to remain in Ephesus to build up and order the local church there, one of Paul’s chief concerns is the practice of prayer which is mentioned at the beginning of his instruction to Timothy: “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people” (1 Timothy 2:1). The doctrinal and theological needs in the church (1 Timothy 1:3-6) are to be met through the practice of prayer. Being anxious for the gospel entrusted to him (1 Timothy 1:11), and aware of the peril of making a shipwreck with faith, Paul points to “a good remedy”, as Calvin writes, so that “by this means Satan shall be shut out of doors, that he cannot seduce them, and carry them away to vain and wicked curiosities” (J. Calvin, Sermons on the Epistles of S. Paul to Timothy and Titus). As for us, we are very grateful that all of you are part of this practice of prayer for the progress of the gospel in Perugia and the rest of Italy.
Sixth anniversary
A few days ago on June 6th, we were glad that our church could celebrate the sixth anniversary of my installation as Minister of Word and Sacrament of the Chiesa Riformata di Perugia. It was significantly encouraging for our small flock to consider God’s faithfulness in these six years and see that despite three years of COVID-19, the Lord has nevertheless added to our original number. The move was not easy and the adjustment to the new place and the need to understand the local mindset required some time. In his pastoral ruminations on the book of Jonah, Eugene H. Peterson has taught me an important lesson about geography, namely that pastoral work is local: “Jonah abandons his religious careerism, decides to be a true pastor, embraces an askesis, enters into a life of prayer, and goes to Nineveh. There we find him walking the streets of the city, doing what he was called to do: the work of the pastor.” (E. H. Peterson, Under the Unpredictable Plant). In my case, my call was to start walking into the life of the city of Perugia, an exercise I began to practice every day. One day at a time, I explore the life of the region in the fear of God and with a growing sense of compassion for the spiritual needs of “persons who do not know their right hand from their left” (Jonah 4:11).
As I wrote in the April newsletter, in God’s providence, last March I had the joy of visiting Mid America Reformed Seminary where I met with Dr. Eric Watkins and Dr. Paul Ipema to investigate the possibility that Mr. Bryce Klassen could spend the summer as an intern here in Perugia. That dream became reality and Bryce arrived in Perugia on May 23rd. Bryce is currently studying at the University following daily classes on Italian culture and language. He began to preach through 1 John and the two of us are going through a course of Pastoral Theology meeting twice a week for two/three hours in which we study, discuss, and pray together. After five weeks, our small flock is growing a deeper appreciation for Bryce and his work. Since the summer started, we have a number of foreign visitors who are in our area for vacation. I translate Bryce’s sermons from English into Italian which allows these people to participate in our worship services in a more meaningful manner. Bryce and I committed to have him preach his last sermon on August 19th in Italian :)
On May 8th my wife, Cristina, left Perugia to fly to Australia to be with my son, Simone, his wife, Alison, and their first daughter, Matilde. Cristina has been with them to be present and give some assistance given the birth of our second grandchild. In fact, on May 26th , Lucilla Ferrari was born in good health, bringing us great joy. Alison was strengthened by the Lord and the delivery was very fast and both mother and daughter thankfully did very well. Cristina came back to Perugia on June 11th just after our 32nd wedding anniversary with great rejoicing in the Lord with just a few days of delay.
Please, pray with us for the following prayer requests:
that the Lord may keep me faithful to the local dimension of the pastoral work, learning to enter with the gospel in the place where I’ve been called;
that the Lord may bless the fellowship with and the labors of Bryce Klassen, helping him to assess his future with discernment;
that the Lord may bless all our children and grandchildren and that we may have a burden and a vision for reaching our youth inside and outside the church with the gospel.
On behalf of all the members of the Chiesa Riformata of Perugia, I express a felt sense of gratitude for your faithful prayers and generous support. Those of Italy greet you (Hebrews 13:24).
Yours sincerely in Christ,
Pastor Andrea Ferrari