Dear prayer companions,

One of the main concerns in the heart of the apostle Paul was securing the prayers of God’s people, not so much for himself but rather for the humble and bold proclamation of the mystery of the gospel, so that the divine Word might speed ahead and be honored. Therefore, we rejoice in knowing – through your emails, phone calls, and other forms of communication – that you are persevering with us in prayer for the blessing of the Spirit upon the witness of the Chiesa Riformata di Perugia.  

Summer Visitors

As it usually happens, during the summer – especially in the month of August – a number of visitors worshipped quite regularly with us, especially from the Netherlands, but also from the US, Canada, and the UK. Last August, we had a literal “invasion” of Dutch believers, so much so that for a couple of Sundays, our building was nearly packed with almost no seats left! During the services, we sang some psalms in Italian. After the services, the Dutch believers sang the same psalms in the same tune but in Dutch! Our members were very encouraged by the presence and fellowship we could enjoy with our brothers and sisters, some of whom visited with us this year for the second or – in one case – even the third time.       

Rev. Brian Cochran’s Visit

In mid-August, Rev. Brian Cochran, the Minister of Redeemer Reformation Church URC in Regina, Canada, visited us in Perugia. We enjoyed warm Christian fellowship with Brian and his wife, Julie. Brian preached two very comforting and edifying sermons on Jesus calming the storm from John’s gospel and on the introduction of the Lord’s Prayer from the Heidelberg Catechism.

Profession of Faith of Anne Cowell

On August 20, we had the joy of receiving Anne Cowell into the membership of our church. Anne began to attend our church about one year ago and she never missed a service (unless when she was visiting some relatives abroad). She is a native of Edinburgh, where she grew up in a Presbyterian church. Having married an Italian, she has been living in Italy for more than 40 years. Being a widow, Anne moved to Perugia where her son lives and she decided to look for a Presbyterian church with the desire to go back to the church of her childhood. We are grateful for Anne's presence among us, which has been a source of encouragement for our small congregation.

Meeting Perugia’s Evangelical Pastors

I’ve been trying to build relationships with other evangelical pastors in our area which has been made difficult due to COVID-19 restrictions in the past. Despite doctrinal and practical differences, I believe there are some positive developments that are happening. In fact, I’ve been asked to speak on behalf of the evangelical churches in Perugia at an important event on October 14th, which will be held in the most important city hall in the presence of the mayor and other institutional figures. A 34-minute documentary will be shown and my responsibility will be to give a talk of 20 minutes on the subject of “Forgiveness and Reconciliation”. It is our hope that this event will make our church known to the general public of Perugia, bringing some visitors to attend our worship services in the future, Lord willing.


In the last few months, I received invitations to speak at three weddings, giving a talk on some fitting spiritual subject for the occasion. I agreed to participate because it will be an opportunity to share the gospel with people who are not exposed to the good news. One wedding in particular will be quite an open door because it will be held in October here in Perugia and there will be around 150 people who live in our area.   

Pray with us for the following prayer requests:

  1. for Cristina and myself, and that I may be a faithful Christian, husband, father, grandfather, church member, and minister; 

  2. for the blessing of God upon the preaching of the Word and for our evangelistic efforts; 

  3. for Anne Cowell;

  4. for the evangelistic and witnessing opportunities in Perugia, especially in the month of October with other evangelical pastors and for the number of upcoming weddings.

On behalf of all the members of the Chiesa Riformata of Perugia, I express a felt sense of gratitude for your faithful prayers and generous support.

Those of Italy greet you (Hebrews 13:24)!

Yours sincerely in Christ,

Pastor Andrea Ferrari




JULY 2023